ITEM - Wisconsin Trout follow-up
On Monday I posted about Salmon and Trout and their status as the "canaries in the coal mine" of our watershed environment. We pointed to a grass-roots effort led by HDW and other fishing boards to maintain science based fishing restrictions in a portion of the Wisconsin Prairie River watershed, in order to protect the native brook trout population. Good news - as their effort was successful and Question 36 passed with 2024 yes votes 1494 no votes carried in 47 counties. The official results (pdf) here. A small victory in Wisconsin. On the other hand, the salmon are still gone.
ITEM - Obama interprets debate results for the hearing impaired.
After Live Blogging the Live Bloggers for the 23rd Democratic debate on Wednesday, I concluded, like most of the blogosphere, that Clinton won the debate hands down. However, Obama may have had the last word, at a Town Hall meeting in Asheville, NC on Thursday. Check out this official Obama '08 Campaign YouTube:
There is apparently a complete subtext of communication going on between Obama and the audience consisting entirely of gestures. Some have suggested that at 1:18 into the video, Barrack flips Hillary the bird. The sequence shows that Barrack says “Senator Clinton is in her element”, and at the mention of her name he casually scratches his cheek with the one-fingered salute. Some in the crowd react to the gesture and Obama gives a big wry smile like he is in on the joke. At 2:23 he invokes rapper Jay-Z [note: link is to Jay-Z music video with strong language] and brushes the Hillary “dirt off his shoulder”, then at 2:50 he apparently scrapes the Hillary dog shit off his shoes. The audience loves it. You watch, you decide what is going on.
ITEM - The Last Meme

ITEM - Carnivalingus
Some recent fine collections of high quality blogging punditry:
- Kellym78 presents The Carnival of the Godless #89 hosted at The Rational Response Squad.
- BAC presents Obama's Jedi Mind Tricks at Yikes.
- A Revolution of One presents the Carnival of the Liberals #62 hosted at A Revolution of One.
- Egalia presents Clinton Bloggers - A List hosted at Tennessee Guerilla Women.
- Boring presents Economics and Social Policy XLVII hosted at The Boring Made Dull.
- Andrew Ian Dodge presents Taxing Carnival of the Vanities hosted at Dodgeblogium.
We have a blog birthday coming up and will celebrate with the next edition of the Carnival of Divided Government Duo et Vîcênsimus - Special Two Year Blogoversary Edition, on Wednesday, April 23. Submit your blog article at carnival of divided government using our carnival submission form. Past posts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Technorati tags: divided government, blog carnival, 2008 election , Hillary Clinton, Meme, Barack Obama, Trout, Wisconsin.
1 comment:
Thanks for the link!
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