While I am off-topic, this is the view from my terrace -

You are looking at the QE2 which arrived in San Francisco this morning. The QE2 is in the midst of an around the world cruise. Almost 20% of the passengers have contracted a norovirus since embarking on her voyage from New York. As we speak, these rich pukes are spreading their norovirus contaminated tourist dollars all over our fair city. I think I will just stay indoors and watch c-span for a couple of days. Fortunately I still have duct tape and plastic sheeting as recommended by the Department of Homeland Security to protect against exactly this type of biological attack.

UPDATE: January 25, 2007
The City was saved when the plague ship slipped out of San Francisco Bay under the cover of darkness at 10:30 last night - seen here steaming in front of Alcatraz (sorry about the picture quality - best I cound do with my camera).

Hawaii, you are the next port of call for this doomed ship and its cargo of diseased passengers and crew. I recommend a high seas interdiction. If that fails, mine the harbor. Good luck.
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