We will also be taking the opportunity to once again attempt to kick-start a non-blog related writing project and the blog sidebars are also in need of a good spring housecleaning. The blog will not really be on hiatus, as I expect to still get out a few posts as the spirit moves me and the bass, bluegill, pike, and brookies permit.
Frankly, I can't post about this Dem primary any more. How long can you listen to Chris Mathews and Keith Obamamann kvetch about Hillary Clinton staying in the race? It'll get more interesting when the general election kicks off in earnest this summer.
Finally, I just learned that playing golf is a political statement showing contempt for President and the current administration. I may try to drop my handicap a few strokes.
The next edition of the Carnival of Divided Government Tres et Vîcênsimus (XXIII) - Independence Day Edition, which we will declare on or about the Fourth of July. We have a long stretch from now until then. Submit your blog article at carnival of divided government using our carnival submission form. Past posts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Technorati tags:
Yooper, fishing, blog carnival, divided government
Yooper, fishing, blog carnival, divided government
Hope you're having fun in da U.P. I grew up in Michigan and I've never been there.
When the hell are you gonna get back to work! Who the hell is paying you anyway??? You smell like dead fish already!!
The primary is over, the real deal has begun, and you're no where to be found! Heck, you might not even be back in time for the U.S. Open draft!
are you participating in the blog month of silence campaign ?
I have no idea what the "Blog Month of Silence" campaign is or for or if it is even real. However, yes I am participating by default.
After returning from Michigan (great trip - Deisel - you need to check out the U.P. someday), I had one day turnaround before my wife and I left for France. Friends invited us to stay at a Villa they rented in Provence, and it was too good an opportunity to pass up. So - the net effect is that there I am indeed observing the "Blog Month of Silence" campaign in observation of the very importance issue of [FILL IN THE BLANK]. I am passionate about this issue and deeply concerned. I hope my patient and dwindling readers will take this opportunity to consider what they can do in their own lives to help [FILL IN THE BLANK]. Thank you.
The DWSUWF blog will resume shortly after I have finished eating all of the fine food and drunk all of the great wine in Provence, France - which I expect to complete on or about the last week in June.
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