Now before going on, I will disclose right up front that Eric is a better man than I am. I know this because he frequently posts and comments at REDSTATE, while I was banned by REDSTATE after only two blog posts and a few comments. This despite the fact that I am absolutely committed to supporting a Republican for President in 2008 in order to preserve divided government. Please don't get the wrong impression, I am not complaining. I deserved to be banned. You see - now this is going to be difficult for me to say - but - I am a threadjacker. Allright - it is out now. I have take the first step to recovery and out of the threadjacker closet. I cannot tell you what a relief this is to finally come clean. One cannot solve a problem, if one does not admit one has one. REDSTATE is the only blog with the courage to make me face the ugly truth about myself.Last week I completed a long and extended rehab and believe I am ready to rejoin the civilized commenting community.
But I digress. This post is not about me.
This post is about Eric Dondero. Now, I don't know Eric Dondero. Eric Dondero is not a friend of mine. But I do know that Eric Dondero is no Ron Paul.
Eric's complete announcement on REDSTATE:
I am declaring for Congress against Ron Paul in Texas CD-14
Good morning,
I am making this announcement on my favorite website Many of you here have urged me to take this course. And now, after last night's GOP Presidential debate, I've decided to move ahead with my plans.
I have spent the early morning scanning the major political blogs, and news sites. It's unanimous. Ron Paul got slammed by Rudy Giuliani last night for suggesting that we - the United States of America - are to blame for the attacks on 9/11. He even had the audacity to cite Osama bin Laden.
While everyone is hailing this as a "Great moment" for Rudy Giuliani, I think just as importantly, it was a horrible moment for Ron Paul. My former boss looked like a complete nutcase. He looked frail. His hands shaked. He showed his age. He was completely unprepared for Giuliani's romping response.
Is this the man that should be representing South Texas Congressional District 14 in the US Congress?
I think not.
I am calling on Ron Paul to resign his seat, sooner rather than later. Otherwise Congressional District 14 voters from Victoria to Galveston will appear to be endorsing his treachorous, and near treasonous views on foreign policy.
I am sure I speak for many CD 14 voters, and certainly the vast majority of CD 14 Republicans, when I say, Ron Paul, it's time for you to exit the stage.
I am calling on the three to four Republican individuals who have expressed an interest in this Congressional seat, and challenging Ron Paul in the primary, to now enter the race.
Many are aware that libertarian conservative Friendswood Councilman Peden has suggested he would run. Bobby Eberle of GOPUSA, and former Texas YR Chairman also has been mentioned. Even former Congressman Steve Stockman now lives in this CD.
I would back any of the three, particularly Bobby.
But if any of them hesitates to come out in the coming weeks, I will officially declare against my former boss. I will not have nearly the amount of money that Ron Paul will have for the primary challenge. But I do have the most kick-ass grass roots experience and resume of any Republican political activist in the country. I am the very person who got Ron Paul elected to Congress in 1996 as his Campaign Coordinator. I know what it takes. I know every inch of Texas CD 14 like the back of my hand.
Some other resume highlights:I am this morning, declaring my candidacy for Congress in the GOP primaries against Ron Paul. If he does not resign his seat, and if another Republican candidate does not declare against him, I will run a balls-to-the-wall campaign for Congress in Texas CD 14. I am the guy that got Ron Paul elected to Congress in 1996. I can and will defeat him in 2008.
- Fluent in Spanish (our Distict is fully 40% Hispanic)
- I speak 10 to 15 other languages
- US Navy Veteran, (hon.)
- 20-year Federal Appointee, Selective Service Board, Houston Region
- VFW & American Legion Member
- Author of two books on World Travel
- Traveled to 30 nations on 5 continents
- Founder, Republican Liberty Caucus
- Fmr. Libertarian Party National Committeeman
- FSU Graduate (Political Science)
- Homeowner and 12-year resident of Angleton, Texas in the heart of CD 14 (Brazoria County seat 40 miles south of Houston)
Eric Dondero
This announcement has taken the blogosphere by storm. As a service, I have compiled a fair and balanced selection of reactions to the announcement from a variety of sites:
From NoEric Commenting at
It is only fair that I also post Eric Dondero's reply to Chris at Reason
Kn@ppster also shares his thoughts in "If you can't beat'em, shut'em the hell up":
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